
Janpad Panchayat

Chhindwara District is having 675 Gram Panchayats covering 13 Mandals including seized Mandals.
The main objective of the Panchayat Raj Department is to provide civic amenities to the rural public.

Sanitation, Drinking Water Supply, Street Lighting and to take up developmental activities in and around the village according to funds availability.
Besides, that this Department is taken up different activities as entrusted by the District Administration and by the Government like distribution of pensions, NREGA Works etc.

S.No Janpad Panchayat Total Gram Panchayat In Janpad Total Gram In Janpad
1 Janpad Panchayat Parasia 91 197
2 Janpad Panchayat Junnardeo 97 266
3 Janpad Panchayat Chourai 91 191
4 Janpad Panchayat Mohkhed 79 182
5 Janpad Panchayat Amarwara 71 150
6 Janpad Panchayat Chhindwara 74 131
7 Janpad Panchayat Tamia 53 195
8 Janpad Panchayat Bichhua 51 161
9 Janpad Panchayat Harrai 67 218